What about Clinton's achievements?
The article ``Clinton's Ratings Improve as Congress Adjourns,'' Oct. 21, was disappointing. When Stanley Greenberg, the White House's unofficial pollster, related the fact that President Clinton's approval rate has risen to almost 50 percent, it would have been the perfect time to point out some of the President's accomplishments that somehow never get mentioned in the press, such as the passing of the Family Leave Act, procurement reform, creation of AmeriCorps, the doubling of the Earned Income Tax Credit, and others.
Mr. Greenberg says the problem with the president's popularity is the perception of the president's inability to make things happen in Washington. While Greenberg was answering questions from reporters, he should have pointed out some of Clinton's accomplishments since he was in the perfect position to do so. Veronika Walton, Hamden, Conn.