YUGOSLAV WAR CRIMES TRIBUNAL OPENS Presiding behind bulletproof glass and protected by armed guards, three judges opened the Yugoslav War Crimes Tribunal, the first international war-crimes hearing since World War II, in The Hague Nov. 8. The first order of business was getting jurisdiction of a torture-murder case against Bosnian Serb Dusan Tadic, one of the most notorious war-crimes suspects. Germany, which is holding Tadic, has indicated it will surrender him. Anti-Serb demonstrators marched outside as the hearing took place before an overflow crowd. Set up by the United Nations Security Council a year ago, the tribunal faces many obstacles. It as yet has no one in custody and seeks to try suspects who for the most part are protected by their governments. Christopher in Seoul

Secretary of State Warren Christopher arrived Nov. 8 for a three-day visit to reassure South Korea that Washington will stick by its security commitments. There has been mounting public criticism in South Korea that Washington made too many concessions in its recent nuclear negotiations with North Korea. North Korea has agreed to freeze and eventually dismantle its much watched nuclear program in exchange for economic assistance and diplomatic links with Washington.

Atlantis probes atmosphere

Atmospheric monitors aboard Atlantis surveyed Earth's envelope of swirling gases Nov. 8 while a French astronaut tested a type of aluminum pipe that might cool future spaceships. Instruments in the shuttle cargo bay are scouring the atmosphere for dozens of gases, including the thin, invisible ozone layer that protects the planet from ultraviolet solar rays. NASA scientist Michael Gunson said his ozone monitor aboard Atlantis confirms that there is little of the critical gas inside the Antarctic hole.

France seizes militants

In France's biggest sweep against Islamic militants, police seized weapons Nov. 8 and arrested more than 80 people suspected of supporting fundamentalist guerrillas in Algeria. Coordinated raids took place throughout the Paris region and elsewhere in France before daybreak and involved more than 300 officers from elite police units, French authorities said.

Sears Tower sold

Sears, Roebuck & Co. said its name will remain a part of the world's tallest office building even after ownership of the 110-story landmark is transferred to Aldrich, Eastman & Waltch, a Boston-based investment group. Sears, which announced the deal to restructure the building's financing Nov. 7, will keep its corporate headquarters in the tower under a lease that expires in the year 2000.

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