Problems That Ring South of the Border
We have lived in Southern California since the mid-1960s and have seen how the influx of Hispanic immigrants has changed things. Nobody is punishing them, unless it is their own Mexican government (``Punishing Immigrants,'' Nov. 3).
It is true that things need economic improvement south of the border and perhaps we could and should help with that. But immigrants (legal and illegal) that have seen how the economy works here have the opportunity to return and to make things better for the citizens of Mexico.
Proposition 187 is the first legal opportunity the voters have had to address the issue of illegal immigration. Citizens are not objecting just to Hispanics. They are objecting to anyone who thinks there is a ``free lunch'' for them here. It seems the federal government has refused to help financially with this problem until the state of California stops making it so attractive for them to continue coming here illegally.
We feel that those children whose parents were here illegally at the time of their birth should not automatically become citizens. If the two of us were living in Mexico illegally, how many Mexicans would be willing to pay our medical bills and educate our children gratuitously? Sallie and Wendell Danielson, Garden Grove, Calif.
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