DIPLOMATIC TIES IN MIDEAST ANNOUNCED Israel announced the establishment of diplomatic ties with Jordan yesterday, a month after the countries signed a peace treaty ending a 46-year state of war. Jordan became the second Arab country to open diplomatic ties with the Jewish state after Egypt, which signed a treaty with Israel in 1979. An Israeli official said ambassadors would be exchanged Dec. 10. Chechen unrest

Government officials yesterday ordered evacuation of the presidential palace in Chechen, as opposition forces geared up for another assault on the breakaway Soviet region's capital. An offensive Saturday, which resulted in 20 dead, the loss of 30 tanks and five aircraft, and the taking of 120 prisoners, failed to wrest Chechen from government control.

Uruguay vote

Ten years after it emerged from military rule, Uruguay was to choose a new president yesterday. The ruling Blanco Party, centrist Colorado Party, and center-left Progressive Encounter are at most 1.6 points apart in polls.

FAA review of controls

The Federal Aviation Administration on Saturday ordered a review of flight-control systems on Boeing 737s in the wake of September's USAir crash. Experts from the FAA, National Transportation Safety Board, Defense Department, and Transport Canada will serve on the study team. @EVENTEXT = Direct calling to Cuba

For the first time in three decades, US residents called Cuba directly on Friday through AT&T, MCI, and LDDS phone companies. Until now, the US trade embargo against Cuba prevented US companies from upgrading phone lines to enable direct dialing.

S. African unpaid bills

The South African government wrote off billions of dollars in unpaid rent and utility bills in the Johannesburg region Saturday and called on blacks to pay what they owe after years of anti-apartheid boycotts. Similar write-off agreements were to be signed in other provinces.

Algeria violence

Security forces said Saturday they killed 49 Islamic extremists in Algeria last week, making November the deadliest month for guerrillas in the three-year insurgency. Unofficial tolls say 328 guerrillas were killed this month in a campaign to overthrow the military regime.

UN rights official in China

The first UN investigator on religious intolerance to visit China ended a two-day trip to Tibet yesterday. Diplomats said Abdelfattah Amor was the first UN rapporteur to come to China to look at the treatment of religion in the 45-year-old Communist state.

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