GOP Concedes Plan to Expand US Military Has Its Limits
CONGRESSIONAL Republicans are anxious to boost defense spending with their new majority power, but they admit that their own agenda of cutting taxes and eliminating the deficit might make that impossible.
At most, the Republicans may reshuffle White House priorities to boost weapons such as the ''Star Wars'' antimissile system, the B-2 stealth bomber, and the C-17 transport plane, at the expense of such Democratic favorites as defense conversion and the Seawolf submarine.
''We realize we're not going to get large increases in defense spending,'' said Sen. John McCain (R) of Arizona.
''But what may be in the cards is a significant rearrangement of priorities,'' he says.
*Associated Press
Espy probe widens to include Clinton
THE independent prosecutor investigating departing Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy has broadened his probe to include the relationship between an Arkansas poultry firm and President and Hillary Rodham Clinton, CNN reported Saturday.
Cable News Network, quoting sources close to the investigation, said special prosecutor Donald Smaltz is looking at Mr. and Mrs. Clinton's ties to Tyson Foods Inc., a large Arkansas-based poultry company. Clinton was governor of Arkansas before becoming president.