Firing Line Debate (PBS, 9-11 p.m.): When William F. Buckley Jr. took on writer-activist Germaine Greer in a 1972 debate about feminism at England's Cambridge Union, he lost by a vote of 546 to 146. Ever since, the women's movement has been a recurring theme on this ``Firing Line'' series, hosted by Buckley. This edition's resolution - debated Dec. 7 at Washington's Georgetown University -

is among the most outspoken: ``Resolved: The Women's Movement Has Been Disastrous.'' Supporting the take-no-prisoners statement is a team led by Buckley that includes Arianna Huffington, author of ``The Female Woman,'' a book assailing extremism in the feminist movement; Helen Alvare, of the pro-life activities group of the National Conference of Bishops; and Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, director of the Institute for Women's Studies at Emory University.

The opposition side is captained by the godmother of feminism, Betty Friedan - author of ``The Feminine Mystique'' and founder of National Organization for Women; Camille Paglia, the controversial author and speaker, an intellectual provocateur if there ever was one; Kathryn Kolbert, a legal and legislative expert on women's issues; and Judge Karen Bernstein, who is deeply involved in the same field.

Television's Christmas Classics (CBS, 10-11 p.m.): It's a long way - in years and tone - between the Chipmunks and the Simpsons, or between Danny Kaye and Roseanne Barr. But they and many others are represented in this reflective assortment of TV Christmas moments (musical and nonmusical) through the decades.

You'll hear ``White Christmas'' sung by Dinah Shore, Liberace (well, he did sing it), the Temptations, and, of course, Bing Crosby. You'll see snatches of everything from ``I Love Lucy'' and the Muppets to ``Saturday Night Live.''

Hosted by Marie Osmond, the special is broad enough for viewers of almost any age to plug in somewhere as it samples Christmas down the years.

Please check local listings for these programs.

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