Some Steps Missing in Plan to Help Rwanda
In the opinion-page article ``Ten Steps to Take Now to Avoid More Rwandas,'' Jan. 11, I was amazed that not one of the 10 steps mention family-planning information and services. Providing clean water, building classrooms, and reforming the United Nations will, in the long run, be of no avail unless a start is made now to provide the knowledge and means to encourage small families.
Surveys indicate that many women in the third world did not plan or want their last child. Better education for women, better health for women, the means to space children, the encouragement of later marriages, and the advantages to healthy, smaller families promoted by health and administrative officials in refugee camps, should be the first of 10 steps. Sarah G. Epstein, Washington US: Play even-handed role in Israel
The article ``Jerusalem Palestinians Suffer While US Stands by Silently,'' Jan. 12, is to be cheered because Americans have so few media opportunities to hear that the United States government is supporting Israeli injustices toward Palestinians. For a long time it has seemed unreasonable that great sums of US tax dollars should support a foreign religious state that uses its conqueror status to force its will upon a captive population. And now, during the faltering peace process, it is time for the American government to show even-handedness; that is, fairness toward both the Arab and Jewish sides. Betsy Harrell, Arcata, Calif. US: Play even-handed role in Israel
Jewish settlements continue to be built on the West Bank as well as in Arab East Jerusalem even though the US government policy states ``no more settlements'' (```Intifadah' Reignites in West Bank,'' Jan. 17).
It is time that our policy reflect an ultimatum to the Israeli government, such as cutting the $3 billion annual grant to the Israelis in half when the bulldozers show up for a new settlement. It is the US taxpayer who pays billions of dollars in grants and privileges to the Israelis, thus supporting the hypocritical activities of the Israeli government. Its promise not to use the grant in the building of settlements is fallacious, because there would be no funds to allocate to settlements without US subsidies. E.S. Sands, San Luis Obispo, Calif. I want my PBS
The article ``We Need Public TV, and Public TV Needs Government Support,'' Jan. 13, opened my eyes to the fact that the new Republican Congress wants to take federal money away from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
I seldom have time to watch TV, but when I do, I turn PBS on first. My life has been touched by such shows as ``Sesame Street,'' ``I, Claudius,'' and ``Upstairs Downstairs.'' Bill Moyers and ``The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour'' have also given many thoughtful interviews throughout the years. Our lives would be greatly enriched by watching this TV station instead of the trash on regular TV. Katherine J. Box, Vista, Calif. Harsh laws won't curb teen crime
I was saddened to read the Monitor give its approval to the new brutality legislated daily against American juveniles in the editorial ``Youth and Crime,'' Jan. 10. Inexplicably, the editorial applauded draconian measures in Florida and Illinois that have managed to lower the age at which juveniles can be tried as adults, and held in high-security detention centers. A decade of such ``tough'' folly has only brought us younger criminals. To purport that lowering the age again will possibly ``help curb juvenile crime'' is fatuous. Tragically, many of our elected leaders have joined in the propaganda game of creating the least humane legislation. As a news organization, the least the Monitor can do is cease from applauding this spectacle. Mary I. McFetridge, North Pole, Alaska