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Canada Is the Culprit in Atlantic Fish Fray

Regarding the article ''War Over Fish Sticks? Canada, Spain Spar'' March 13: The Spanish fishing fleet has not been ''overfishing'' either in Europe or in Canada. Contrary to what the article claims, the halibut quota was agreed to by Canada with the European Union (EU) at the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO). Canada is not trying to diminish the overall catch of halibut but rather to take an unacceptably and unjustifiably high share of the total for itself.

The EU has shown its determination to protect stocks of Greenland halibut by accepting an overall NAFO quota which would require a reduction in the EU's fishing levels. Canada must abide by the procedures established at NAFO to determine both the total quota on the high seas and its distribution among traditional fishermen in the area. Let us hope that Canada will return to its diplomatic tradition and deal with this problem in the context of NAFO, refraining from the use of force on the high seas.

Jaime de Ojeda


Ambassador of Spain

US pigs are poorly treated

The relatively pleasant living conditions of pigs in rural areas of some foreign countries in no way compares to the appalling conditions to which these intelligent creatures are subjected in the animal ''factories'' of the United States (''Pork Tries For a Lean, Mean Comeback,'' March 9).

Pigs are treated with cruelty while penned in tiny, unsanitary cubicles for the duration of their lives. I think we can justifiably doubt the wisdom of promoting any such ''comeback.''

Anne Malone

Santa Rosa, Calif.

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