Listeners Should Vent Anger on Talk Radio

Listeners Should Vent Anger on Talk Radio

Regarding the editorial ''Anger on the Airwaves,'' April 27: As a staunch fan of conservative talk radio, I strongly reject the notion that this medium contributes, even remotely, to violent acts such as the Oklahoma City bombing.

Open, up-front discussion of issues -- including open disagreement with government policy -- is right, normal, and healthful. We need to take a hard, honest look at some issues that are behind much of the discord and unrest in the country today: assaults on the free-market system; attacks on freedom of speech, and association at schools and colleges; onerous firearms restrictions on law-abiding persons; and disregard of private-property rights.

It is wrongs like these that fuel antigovernment feeling in the first place -- as in the days before radio existed. If, by airing such issues, talk shows stir more citizen activism, this is a good sign. We should be concerned about governmental excesses. We also need to work within the democratic process to correct them.

Jim Hastings, Boston

Unfair attacks on the airwaves

I agree with the editorial ''After the Bombing,'' April 25, but in reference to the ''ugly antifederal invective on the airwaves,'' why doesn't the author also add the rhetoric used by some of our members of Congress such as the likening of the House Republicans to the Nazis? Or the reference by the Clinton administration to the Republicans as right-wing extremists who want to starve American children?

Another example is Jeff Danziger's April 26 cartoon, which implied that the militia terrorists follow Rush Limbaugh. This is unfair. The day after the bombing Mr. Limbaugh praised President Clinton and urged all Americans to unify behind him. Daily anger should be curtailed but not at the expense of restricting dissent.

Franklin R. Fass, Beavercreek, Ohio

Finding solace in religious article

The people who write and edit the daily religious article in the Monitor deserve a gold star. On April 19 at about 2:30 p.m. we heard the devastating news on TV about the bombing in Oklahoma City. Still reeling from such frightful news, I found the Monitor in the mail. ''Well, there won't be anything about the bombing in here until tomorrow,'' I thought.

But there on page 17 was a religious article titled ''Protection From Harm.'' It was so reassuring and instructive. It showed me how to think in a helpful way, instead of just feeling sad. I know the Monitor didn't foresee the events of April 19, but the choice of articles was right on the mark.

David Horn, Bloomington, Ind.

Execs take too much of the pie

The article ''New Figures Show Wider Gap Between Rich and Poor,'' April 21, failed to mention the astronomical increases in executive compensation as an important reason why the top 5 percent of American families increased their share of the total income.

As a holder of numerous American stocks and one Canadian stock, I am amazed at American chief executive officers earning multimillion-dollar compensation packages. The rest of the ''executive team'' is earning comparably larger compensation packages every year.

Many of these American companies are the same ones that are ''downsizing'' the middle-and lower-level management force. Then these terminated employees frequently take jobs at lower salaries and often without any benefits. No wonder the top 5 percent is taking home more of the pie each year.

A few years ago there was a growing cry for terminating the rapidly escalating compensation for American executives. This seems to have lost momentum, when it is needed now more than ever.

Lloyd A. Bickford, Strongsville, Ohio

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