The Mother Who Is Always Near

I HAD a wonderful mother, and as a child I could always turn to her to be reassured and comforted. But when I grew up and left the home environment, I found that the great wide world didn't share my mother's tender solicitude for me! Life seemed to get harder and harder, and my self-esteem took many a beating.

Through my study of Christian Science, however, I have become vitally aware of the glorious Mother-love of God. When I am honestly striving to live as God, divine Love, directs, I feel His mighty mothering power enfolding me. I am cared for, watched over, cherished, and protected at every point. Of course, God is not just caring for me, but for you and for every single one of His beloved children. He created us all, and He tenderly cares for all.

We're not mortal personalities confined in matter-bodies--as the world is conceiving us--but are spiritual ideas of the infinite divine Mind or creative Spirit, God. As effect is always one with its cause, so the true identity of each one of us consists not of physicality but of spiritual substance flowing out from God, Spirit, and reflecting Him, our divine source. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, explains in her book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: ''Man is idea, the image, of Love; he is not physique. He is the compound idea of God, including all right ideas; the generic term for all that reflects God's image and likeness; the conscious identity of being as found in Science, in which man is the reflection of God, or Mind, and therefore is eternal; that which has no separate mind from God; that which has not a single quality underived from Deity; that which possesses no life, intelligence, nor creative power of his own, but reflects spiritually all that belongs to his Maker'' (p. 475).

Understanding that God's Mother-love is always present has protected me from harm in so many situations! And each time I feel even closer to the love of God. I've also found that when I turn to God, the Mother who is always near, inspired thoughts pour in to get me out of--or keep me from getting into--awkward situations. Divine Love does not change or forsake us. The false mortal concepts of accident and injury never alter the fact that God's infinite goodness is supreme. But God's supremacy does alter mortal concepts; it obliterates them.

God's love fills all space. Understanding this turns our thought to Life and living. Trouble has no place in our lives; mental snarls are disentangled. No suggestions of injury, poison, or sickness can mesmerize us, no sense of blockage or stoppage of right action can hold us back. Whatever adjustment, reconstruction, or replenishment is needed, Love's mothering power provides it for us.

We can take joy in reflecting more of this divine Love ourselves. As we do so, self-centeredness, loneliness, sadness, self-pity, will be swept away!

Christ Jesus' knowledge of this omnipotent power of divine Love enabled him to do his great healing works. And now, today, when you and I let this mothering Love fill our own consciousness, not only will the great blessings God has for us come to light in our daily lives, but our thoughts will reach out into the world to comfort and bless everyone they touch. In Isaiah we read God's assurance, ''As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you'' (66:13). In her Miscellaneous Writings Mrs. Eddy writes: ''O glorious Truth! O Mother Love! how has the sense of Thy children grown to behold Thee! and how have many weary wings sprung upward! and how has our Model, Christ, been unveiled to us, and to the age!'' (p. 159).

Following Truth, Christ, as our Model and Saviour, we are able, step by step, to surrender the whole sense of suffering self for the realization that God's tender love is always caring for us. We will awaken to know ourselves as Godlike, whole and free, enfolded always in the ever-caring Love of God, our Mother who is always near!

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