Naval Academy Cracks Down on Drinking
AT the United States Naval Academy, where alcohol offenses always have been grounds for dismissal, administrators are taking an even tougher stance against drinking.
''We are going to have zero tolerance for alcohol misuse and abuse,'' said Capt. Randy Bogle, commandant of midshipmen at the academy, where liquor plays a part in about 60 percent of serious conduct offenses.
Admiral Charles Larson took over as academy superintendent last August with a mandate to repair the institution's torn image in the wake of the largest cheating scandal in Navy history. Now, Larson is turning his attention to the alcohol problem.
Of incoming midshipmen Captain Bogle said: ''We are going to train them to handle alcohol responsibly and to understand that the designated driver is not the one who has had the least amount to drink. It is the one who hasn't had anything to drink.
Cadets at the US Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., and the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., already receive alcohol education. Officials at those academies said drinking isn't a problem, and excessive or illegal drinking can lead to dismissal.