Drilling Alaska's Oil Reserves Brings No Barrels of Fun

I appreciate Senator Murkowski's concern about imported oil. American dependence on foreign oil does need to be limited to lesson our present vulnerability. However, the view that increased drilling for oil in Alaska would solve this problem is shortsighted.

The article claims that exploiting Alaska's petroleum resources would boost the US economy by providing jobs and shrinking the trade deficit. This would be true in the near future, but in the long run it will only extend the harmful habit of squandering precious resources. To improve the economy the US should invest in researching ways to use fuel more efficiently and to collect energy from renewable sources. While drilling may not lead to oil spills and pollution, it will contribute to habitat destruction. It would also give Americans a false sense of security in oil. The US shouldn't look for new places to drill, but rather search for ways to reduce excessive consumption of petroleum.

Kate Collins La Canada, Calif.

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