High Divorces Rates, Troubled Children

The editorial "Families in Need," May 31, drew an unjustified, Pollyanna-type conclusion. Basically, the point made was "Hang in there during this difficult time of family revision - everything is going to be OK."

That conclusion is not justified by the data. Divorce rates, as the editorial points out, have reached 55 percent and show no signs of peaking. Single-parent families, this year alone, increased by a hefty 13 percent. This statistic also shows no sign of topping out.

Anyone who works professionally with troubled children will tell you that they are increasing both in number and in the extremeness of their behavior. Rather than whistling in the dark, the Monitor would better serve its readers and help families by examining policies that may be helpful to the family, such as reducing the ready availability and acceptance of divorce.

John D. McBride Bettendorf, Iowa

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