'Showgirls': Who's Peddling Whom?

The real story missing from the front-page article '''Showgirls': Does New Film Peddle Pornography?'' Sept. 22, might be that a corporate conglomerate - faced with declining revenues from its Las Vegas hotel and casino complex (the MGM Grand) due to increased competition for gambling dollars from Atlantic City, Mississippi riverboats, and friendly neighborhood tribal casinos - encouraged its Hollywood studio division (MGM/United Artists) to make an expensive, controversial, and highly publicized movie a bout a showgirl in Las Vegas. This suggests that MGM is perhaps not using ''Showgirls'' to peddle pornography, but rather using pornography to peddle Vegas.

Richard Gleaves San Diego

Tune out radio, turn on tape player

The author of the article ''Mozart and Bach Get Downsized on FM Stations,'' Sept. 14, laments the decline of classical music on the radio. I suggest that her concern over the demise of stations that purvey Mozartian medleys and Straussian selections is both premature and unnecessary. When the music on the radio isn't to my liking, I just play a tape at home or in my car. It rids me quickly of raucous music and droning talk shows. The choices are far greater than what a mere radio dial provides.

Robert B. Henn Kalamazoo, Mich.

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