Candidate Buchanan

On Abortion...

Supports constitutional amendment against abortion.

On Affirmative Action...

Opposes it.

On Bureaucracy...

Would eliminate federal Departments of Education, Energy, Commerce, HUD, Corporation for Public Broadcasting and National Endowments for Arts and Humanities, and break up Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and give its functions to FBI.

On Environment...

Would turn the vast lands under control of federal Bureau of Land Management over to states and disband bureau. Would have Congress, not administration, decide which species are endangered.

On Immigration...

Is pushing five-year moratorium to reduce annual legal immigration. Only spouses and children of citizens would escape reduced quotas or ban. Would deny automatic US citizenship to babies born in United States to illegal immigrants, make English the official language, more than double Border Patrol, and build security fence along 70 miles of US-Mexico border.

On Taxes...

Has proposed 15 percent flat tax, keeping mortgage-interest and charitable deductions, greatly increasing personal and dependent deductions, and exempting first $25,000 of income for family of four. Favors special tariffs on Japanese and Chinese imports to pay for repeal of income and inheritance taxes on small businesses and inheritance tax on family farms. Favors 17 percent flat tax on large corporations.

On Term limits...

Supports limits of six years in House and 12 years in Senate, plus limits for federal judges. Advocates voter recall of 'renegade' federal jurists and reconfirmation of Supreme Court justices every eight years.

On Welfare...

Would phase out federal role, giving block grants to states for five years, then stopping federal welfare spending.

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