A Note From the Editor

For 25 years, The Christian Science Monitor has offered its editorial content to readers of other newspapers. As of Jan. 10, distribution is being handled by the United Features Syndicate.

When the Monitor began syndicating its stories and art work in 1971, the Des Moines Register Tribune Syndicate was our distributor. Since 1981, the Los Angeles Times Syndicate has distributed Monitor articles, photos, and graphics to more than 200 papers worldwide. The Monitor is grateful for all the Times Syndicate's work on its behalf.

We believe UFS offers our newspaper strong international and national distribution. UFS also has an active site on the World Wide Web portion of the Internet (http://www.unitedmedia.com) that will be linked to the Monitor's web site (www.csmonitor.com). We think this link will help bring many new visitors to the Monitor.

Jeff Danziger, who has been the Monitor's cartoonist since 1985, has decided he wants his work to be distributed by the Los Angeles Times Syndicate and has resigned from the Monitor's staff. Jeff brought a passion for newspapering, a detailed knowledge of the latest news, and an irrepressible sense of humor to his work for the paper. We will miss him.

Until further notice, the Monitor will run drawings from a variety of syndicated cartoonists.

Over its history, the Monitor has been blessed with great cartoonists, including Jeff Danziger, Guernsey Le Pelley, and Paul Carmack. Each tried to put issues of the day into sharper focus while adhering to the mandate of the paper's founder, Mary Baker Eddy, that the Monitor should "injure no man, but bless all mankind." The cartoons we run will continue to be faithful to that mission.

David Cook


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