Don't forget the Coast Guard
Regarding "The Trail of a Bullet" (April 20): The article incorrectly stated "all four branches of the US military approved a multimedia DU training kit." This statement incorrectly implies that the Coast Guard is not a member of our nation's armed forces.
The Coast Guard is indeed one of our nation's five armed services, and has served in every major US conflict since 1790. Coast Guard men and women make remarkable contributions to the safety, security, and economic well-being of America, and have made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of the nation.
During times of war and peace, Coast Guardsmen continue to risk their lives every day in order to make the United States a better, safer place to live.
In addition, the Coast Guard has approved the DU (depleted uranium) training kit, and Coast Guard high-endurance cutters have weapons systems that are compatible with DU ammunition. At this time, however, our cutters are not outfitted with DU ammunitions.
Capt. E.N. Fagerholm Washington Chief, office of public affairs United States Coast Guard
Supreme Court coverage
Regarding "Should gambling ads be allowed on the air?" (April 27): Through all the changes at the Monitor, I relish the paper more than ever. One little thing gets my goat, though, regarding Supreme Court cases.
It seems that a greater focus is given to cases before they are decided by the Supreme Court than after.
Regularly you report on an upcoming case with balanced analysis, yet often I don't find the follow-up on what the court results were, or, you have them bundled in an article summarizing many cases with little depth, such as the opinions of dissenting judges. I'd rather see an in-depth article after the judgment is made.
Logan Perkins Pine, Colo.
Personal rights, social responsibility
"America's discomfort over values" (May 6) was well-thought-out and well-written. However, as with most recent analyses of the Littleton tragedy, I believe a vital aspect is missing that ties the various points of the article together.
For our constitutional democracy to function well, there must be a balance between personal freedom and social responsibility. Much like a woven cloth, each of us must give a little to make the fabric strong.
D.M. Weiner Hereford, Ariz.
Missing link in ozone story
"Good news for ozone from the top of the world" (May 3) sounds as if the reporter became well acquainted with the names of the volatile substances that have been tagged as causing polar ozone depletion.
However, nowhere does he state what the connection is, if any, between the reduced current readings of ozone and the known diminution in ozone-depleting chemicals in use.
Russell Ward Clover, S.C.
Reviewing race
Regarding "As juries weigh witness testimony, color lines apply" (May 12):
I freely admit that it is more than probable that different "races" might make mistakes.
But to call it "cross-race bias" is to make it sound pejorative, as if someone chooses to mistake one for another because of race as opposed to what is, in all probability, a cultural misunderstanding.
Douglas G. Sacks Vsetn, Czech Republic
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