Today's Story Line

Recruit or fall behind. A shortage of high-tech workers is forcing Germany to come to grips with prejudices about foreigners.

Meanwhile, Europe's poster boy for xenophobia, Jrg Haider, resigned as head of the Freedom Party. But he's not likely to disappear from Austrian politics.

As four Bosnians accused of war crimes go on trial this week, why are another 30 under indictment still at large?

Score one for honesty. An entrepreneur in Zimbabwe took a moral stand, and is profiting handsomely.

David Clark Scott World editor


*CELLULAR STATEMENT: Eighty-three percent of Econet's cellphone customers say they signed up because they supported the Zimbabwe company's stand against government corruption. But reporter Corinna Schuler found few folks willing to say so on the record. One woman waited five months for Econet's service to come on the air, rather than give her business to the "corrupt" government service. Corinna meticulously wrote down her comments. "But when I asked for her name and if she would be in a photo, she balked," says Corinna. "She said, 'I don't want the government to know that I picked sides.' Many people I interviewed were too scared to speak out against the government," says Corinna.

*WAR ART DECO: On his recent trip to Sarajevo, Peter Ford found souvenir shops full of a traditional European male art form: mortar, shell, and bullet casings etched with floral and geometric patterns. At his French wife's family home, Peter had seen brass mortar casings similarly decorated by a bored great-grandfather in the trenches. They serve as vases. More than 80 years removed from World War I, "they seem neutral enough to be ornamental," says Peter. Journalists are big souvenir hunters. But Sarajevo is still full of pockmarked buildings and craters. "It didn't feel right to decorate one's home with such instruments of destruction."

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