Today's Story Line

The sweeping apology by Pope John Paul II stems in part from the pontiff's view that the Catholic Church cannot grow without facing up to its past.

South African newspaper editors are looking to a future without evidence of racism in their pages.

US Defense Secretary William Cohen is likely to see a Vietnam still struggling to get on its economic feet.

Battalion 745 goes after civilians living near its base in Los Palos, East Timor, Part 2 of the four-part series.

David Clark Scott World editor


THE CLINTON CONNECTION: Like any non-Asian visitor who ventures near the US consulate in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Kelly McEvers draws a lot of attention. "People come up to you in the street to ask if you're American, and they say, 'Please tell Bill Clinton that we love America very much.' When they find out you're a journalist, they think you have a direct line to the government. Here, to be a journalist is to be a party loyalist." There are some publications that are "private," but "what they do is exercise self censorship," Kelly says.


SUCKING IT UP: If Americans are irked by paying $1.50 or more per gallon of gas, consider what consumers elsewhere in the world are paying. In Hong Kong, unleaded fuel goes for $5.40 per gallon, reports the Associated Press. In France, a gallon costs $3.94. In Italy, it's $3.84. And its $4.22 in the Netherlands, according to the US Department of Energy ( In many nations, governments impose steep taxes that keep the prices high and discourage wasteful use of automobiles. Even in oil-flush Mexico, where the state oil monopoly keeps the price at all gas stations the same, gasoline sells for $2.04 a gallon for regular.

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