What's New

School bans words like 'history,' 'lady'

A college has banned the use of more than 40 words and phrases that it says could be offensive - including "normal couple" and "slaving over a hot stove" - under equal-opportunities rules that staff and students must follow, the United Kingdom's Telegraph reported. Among the groups officials claim could be offended are women, homosexuals, and ethnic minorities. Stockport College in Greater Manchester, England, also outlawed "history" and "lady," claiming that they are no longer appropriate and could be perceived as sexist. The expression "slaving over a hot stove" was added to the list because it "minimizes the horror and oppression of the slave trade." Critics called the policy "political correctness of the worst kind."

"They should be concentrating on teaching their students, instead of trying to ban words which any ordinary person would regard as an everyday part of the English language," said Nick Seaton of the Campaign for Real Education.

Clinton offers tax cuts for collegebound

NORTHFIELD, MINN. - President Clinton urged Congress to enact a 10-year, $30 billion tax cut to help families pay for college tuition. Clinton's plan, contained in his proposed budget for the next fiscal year, would allow families - even those in high tax brackets - to save up to $2,800 a year by deducting $10,000 worth of college tuition in some cases. Clinton cited data showing that a bachelor's degree holder will earn, over the course of a lifetime, on average $600,000 more than a person with only a high school diploma.

Housing relief for teachers

SAN FRANCISCO - The San Francisco school system plans to build a rent-subsidized apartment house for teachers only. For the first time, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development is helping out by giving its backing to the bank loans. San Francisco's 4,300 public school teachers earn an average of $40,000 a year in a city where a one-bedroom apartment rents for $1,900 a month. HUD and the district eventually hope to offer 1,000 units to teachers. One-bedroom apartments are expected to rent for about $700 a month. Other cities' school systems have expressed interest in similar plans.

College Students: Interested in writing for us?

We are always looking for college students to write for our "On Campus" column. To contribute a column, e-mail Stacy Teicher at: teichers@csps.com Or, write to The Christian Science Monitor, One Norway Street, Boston, MA, 02115.

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