Today's Story Line:
Mideast leaders are portraying the lack of an agreement at Camp David as just another setback, not the end of the seven-year, complicated process.
Despite the tragic crash of the supersonic Concorde, as well as its economic failure, engineers are drawing plans for later versions.
Chile is waiting for its Supreme Court to decide if ex-dictator Pinochet should be tried for human rights abuses.
Canada's park officials are straining out "introduced" species of trout in an ambitious effort to restore ecosystem harmony
Faye Bowers Deputy world editor
*TIME ZONED: In this age of instant news, it is sometimes hard for a correspondent to keep up with his bosses. Peter Ford heard about Tuesday's Concorde crash, which happened 10 miles from his home, from his editor in Boston, 2,000 miles away, who had been keeping an eye on CNN. It reminded Peter of the night in January 1990, when he was awakened from his sleep in Dahran, Saudi Arabia, by his editor informing him that the Gulf War had just broken out outside his window. Only as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes did he hear the air-raid sirens wailing.
*HOMELESS, BUT WIRED: When Rena Singer went to interview residents of a South African shantytown for a story on housing (page 6), she was surprised to find homeless leaders with a cellphone and a rattletrap car.
"Homelessness is really a different phenomenon in this country. They do not fit the despondent, down-and-out stereotype," says Rena, who was previously a social worker for New York City's homeless. "These people are quite together, quite ready to work. There's just no work for them. They have cars; they have cellphones; they just don't have a home."
A reason for the cellphone may be that installation of land-line telephones usually entails a three-month wait.
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