Today's Story Line
A nongovernmental organization operating in several foreign countries, including Kenya, has found a method of delivering social-improvement messages with a flair: soap operas.
As Russians remained glued to their televisions yesterday for news about the 118 submariners trapped aboard the Kursk, they continued to lash out at their leader, who - till now - was highly praised as a "can-do" president.
Faye Bowers Deputy world editor
*WHAT DOES YOUR GARDEN SAY? In her letter from Canada (page 7), Ruth Walker discusses a sociologist's view of how lawns and gardens reflect personality. Many growing zones away, in Russia, gardens are a reflection of history and necessity, says correspondent Fred Weir. Most Russians, until relatively recently, have lived off the land. In 1950, more than 70 percent of Russians still lived in the country, Fred says. While that figure has dropped to 20 percent now, many urbanized Russians still have not lost touch with their rural roots. And it's a good thing. Even today, Russians supplement their diets with vegetables grown in the ogorod, or "kitchen garden" at their dachas.
*LOST AND FOUND: The Buenos Aires Herald yesterday reported that Indians belonging to a tribe believed to have been decimated 80 years ago have been found in the jungles of the far western Amazon state of Acrey.
The Federal Indian Bureau said 250 Indians of the Naua tribe were "rediscovered" living in the Serra do Divisor National Park, 2,000 miles northwest of So Paulo, Brazil.
"Anthropologists have studied the group and have determined that they are definitely Nauas, a tribe given [up] as lost in 1920," said Antonio Regis Moraes, an Indian Bureau spokesman.
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