Media habits of highly effective people

Today's busy corporate executives, tethered to the office by an arsenal of portable electronic devices, are on the job even when they're "off," right? Their media intake must be all business.

In fact, Fortune 1000 CEOs were five times more likely to listen to the Howard Stern Show on morning radio than to business-focused Bloomberg, according to a new poll by New York-based Jericho Communications, which surveyed 77 such chief executives. More than 4 in 10 said they read the arts section of The New York Times first. The group's most-read magazine: GQ.

There's more: One-third were able to name more cast members from the new "Survivor" than nominees for the new US president's Cabinet. And more watched NHL star Mario Lemieux's return to hockey than Al Gore's concession speech.

New Economy types appeared no more riveted to the world of hard news - even when it came to making it. Among dotcom CEOs (194 were polled), 65 percent said they'd prefer to land on the cover of People than the cover of Industry Standard.

So how much office time do executives spend, say, reviewing resumes of candidates for an advertised job? Another poll, by Menlo Park, Calif.-based Accountemps, indicates more than half of 150 execs at America's largest 1,000 firms dedicated five minutes or less to that task.

(c) Copyright 2001. The Christian Science Publishing Society

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