Readers write

Setting the record straight in Argentina

Regarding your March 12 article "Argentina tiptoes toward past": I would like to inform you that there is a reference to the Army chief of staff of Argentina that does not reflect the truth.

No charges from the judicial system in my country have been filed against this officer, as indicated in your article, which states that he "stands accused of personal involvement in a massacre of 24 people in 1978." General Brinzoni has received from the Argentine Senate confirmation of his nomination in four different occasions without having received the slightest objection, including one in reference to this event, which occurred 23 years ago.

It is my duty to emphasize that all the efforts General Brinzoni made during his entire military career, and especially since his appointment as Army chief of staff, have been carried out with unlimited respect toward the democratic institutions and the appeasement of Argentina.

Maj. Gen. Daniel M. Reimundes Military Attache, Argentine Embassy


Editor's note: The Monitor regrets any confusion that may have been caused by the March 12 article.

General Reimundes is correct, there are no judicial charges pending against Gen. Ricardo Brinzoni. Reporter Colin Barraclough did not state that a legal case had been brought or filed.

As reported in the Argentine press, human rights groups in Argentina have alleged that General Brinzoni bears "responsibility" in the Chaco case. Horacio Verbitsky, the president of the Center for Social and Legal Studies, says his group is preparing to take legal action against the general.

Building a moral and ethical climate

That two-thirds of those surveyed were "seriously unhappy with their country's moral and ethical climate," in your March 16 article "Americans give thumbs-down on moral climate," is not at all surprising. What would have been interesting to learn is how many, among those two-thirds, feel they are partially responsible for the climate and how many feel they have the effective means to mitigate such climatic effects on themselves and their families. My guess is most of the folks polled would also be looking to President Bush for solutions, as was your representative interviewee. They would, in essence, feel almost powerless to make a climatic difference.

However, if a guest to their household were to exhibit rude behavior and speak in a vulgar manner, few of the people concerned about our morals and ethics would likely tolerate such behavior and would probably ask the guest to leave. Then why is it that such moral strength cannot be applied to pressing the off button on our television sets and the door knob to the exit doors in our theaters?

If it were, the moral and ethical climate for all of us would be substantially improved.

Harvey Neilson Manassas, Va.

Gratitude for Home Forum article

I would like to thank Kelly Cunnane for her beautiful March 14 article "Made for no one, but meant for me." I needed it today. It is a balance of passion and introspection, often aspired to but rarely attained. As I stay home from work today with my 11-year-old son, I am reading and re-reading her lines. For Ms. Cunnane, it is the relating of a rich, unexpected life experience. For me, it's a metaphor for my life, and I am grateful for the grace with which she has expressed it.

Judith Breese Walton, N.Y.

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