What's New
"First-generation" students jump hurdles
Washington - Students whose parents didn't go to college have a tougher time getting into a school and finishing with a degree, according to an annual federal report by the National Center for Research Statistics on the state of education in the United States.
The report also concluded that "first-generation" students with a college degree discover that their degree is an equal-opportunity ticket. Four years after earning a bachelor's, the report says, college incomes were the same regardless of parents' schooling. In addition, the study found that, overall, the likelihood of earning some degree after high school has risen since 1983.
Math program fails advanced students
New York - A one-track math program is failing New York City's college-bound students, according to a report by a panel of experts appointed by Schools Chancellor Harold Levy.
The panel said that the current program is geared to meet state standards, is not challenging enough to thousands of students, and leaves advanced students as many as three years behind. It recommended that city schools - the majority of which teach math by "contructivism," which encourages students to learn problem solving on their own rather than through traditional formulas - give advanced high school students the choice of more-traditional math.
Teenagers raise dollars for village school
Concord, N.H. - A Nicaraguan village will get a new school, thanks to a group of teenagers who raised enough money to pay for the construction.
Bishop Brady High School's Interact Club raised $2,100 for Puerto Viejo, an impoverished farming village where less than half the population completes fifth grade. The school will most likely be a one-room building made of cinder blocks.
The club is an extension of the Rotary Club of Concord, which contributed $900 to the fundraising efforts. The students are working with a Canadian charity called Kids Can Free the Children. The charity, run by children, has raised enough money to build 200 schools.
Attention College Students
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We are always looking for college students to write for our "On Campus" column. To contribute a column, e-mail Stacy Teicher at: teichers@csps.com Or, write to The Christian Science Monitor, One Norway Street, Boston, MA, 02115.
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