Reporters on the Job
CHANGES ON DISPLAY: Museums are revealing windows on history, science, and societal values. Today's story about how South Africans are revising their exhibits (page 9) started with a visit to the South African Museum in Cape Town a year ago. "I saw the Bushman exhibit, and frankly was horrified," says reporter Rena Singer. "The exhibit itself wasn't insensitive. In fact, it's quite popular. It was the context; it was in a place full of animals that are extinct. And there were no exhibits of white culture." Fast forward to April of this year, when a public debate began over the appropriateness of the exhibit. Rena called around and discovered that other South African museums are redesigning displays to reflect the new ideals and diversity of the country.
CATCHING A SOCCER STAR: Getting an interview with Gerald Asamoah, Germany's newest member of the national soccer team (page 7) proved "surprisingly easy," says Lucian Kim in Berlin. At first, he called his league team in Gelsen Kirchen. They just gave him a fax number. But then Lucian remembered an article about the national team that mentioned the hotel where the team was staying in Bremen. "I called the hotel. The receptionist had never heard of him, so I had to spell his name. She put me through to Gerald's room. Since he's from Ghana, I asked him if he preferred to be interviewed in English or German. He chose German."
MAKE WAY FOR TURTLES: Turtles turning their backs on a drying-up lake in Turkey, west of Istanbul, have been granted special police protection to prevent their being squashed by speeding cars, reports Agence France Presse. Signs reading "Beware, turtles leaving" didn't do the job. Now, a police patrol is tasked with ensuring that up to 50 turtles per day are able to reach deeper waters. Police are now seen getting out of their cars to give the little creatures a helping hand.
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