

It was, to be diplomatic, a frustrating situation. But at least it soon should be resolved. What should? Well, the tendency of people wanting transportation on the streets of South Korea's capital, Seoul, to mistake the official limousines of foreign embassies for taxis. And to go to such extremes as blocking their way when drivers make no attempt to pick them up. Both types of vehicles, you see, are black sedans and carry yellow license plates. Finally, after repeated complaints from the ambassadors of other countries - especially Colombia's Miguel Duran Ordoñez - the foreign ministry said it would come up with plates of a different color for the embassy cars.


In Sri Lanka's Dec. 5 election for a new Parliament, 20 organizations on the ballot attracted fewer than 10 votes each. Seven others failed to win one - meaning even their own candidates didn't vote for themselves.

A new honor for Giuliani: He's A&E's top personality

His leadership in time of crisis and his complex personal life have made New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani (R), A&E's choice as "Biography of the Year," the cable TV network announced. In fact, all of its top 10 personalities had some connection with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the US or the aftermath, the executive producer of A&E's popular "Biography" series said. The list, now in its seventh year:

1. Mayor Rudolph Giuliani

2. President Bush

3. Uniformed heroes of Sept. 11

4. Civilian heroes of Sept. 11

5. Osama bin Laden

6. Pervez Musharraf, president of Pakistan

7. Condoleezza Rice, national security adviser to Bush

8. Donald Rumsfeld, secretary of Defense

9. Tony Blair, prime minister of Britain

10. Vice President Cheney and Secretary of State Colin Powell

- Associated Press

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