Web smarts


What: A marine-biology site that offers information on everything from plankton to coral reefs.

Best Points: As summer draws to a close, it may be time for the last few visits to the beach. This site can help you learn about the creatures you've been swimming with all season.

If you're curious about tiger sharks, humpback whales, eagle rays, or sea lions, go to "Creatures of the Sea" for facts about habitats and behavior.

Several sections offer links to in-depth research and suggestions for ways to help conserve the ocean and its resources. Others give information about the ocean floor, marine plants, and the history of mythical ocean creatures.

The children's section features sea games and links to marine sites for kids. A page of little known facts page is full of tidbits: The highest tides in the world (53.5 ft.) are found in the Bay of Fundy, and Antarctica has as much ice as the Atlantic Ocean has water.

What you should know: The site is somewhat image-heavy and may be slow to load on some computers.

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