A unified nation - at a cost
While the reminder in your July 3 editorial ("Nation-building in 1776") to look to the past is appreciated, I think one piece of the history you want us to remember was unfortunately forgotten.
What made nation-building easier for the early Americans may have been a homogeneity of cultures - but that sameness came at the cost of genocide. Today, as we deem those who resort to bloodletting in order to pull together their nation "savage" and innately "evil," we should remember that thousands of native Americans' lives were lost in order to build this nation.
A piece on American nation-building is remiss not to mention that.
Elizabeth Green
Silver Spring, Md.
Regarding your July 3 article "Tagged 'unelectable,' Dean still draws party faithful": It's not yet time to bring up George McGovern.
Howard Dean's past opposition to preemptive war against Iraq may have been "liberal," but it was also consistent with the historic values of our country - the values that used to be, and ought to be, in the mainstream.
On many other issues, former Governor Dean cannot be categorized as far left. For example, those who haven't been paying close attention might be surprised to hear that he has an "A" rating from the National Rifle Association. We citizens deserve more thoughtful coverage of our presidential candidates than a dismissive article with "unelectable" in the headline.
Joseph Pacatte
Regarding your June 30 editorial "Racial past and future": It would be absolutely great if race could be eliminated as a factor/category of measurement. However, it cannot. People of color in this country continue to be second-guessed, are asked "Where is that coming from?" when opinions are offered in professional settings, and are still being profiled in consumer situations.
My tendency to shop in stores has been curtailed because I am African-American with a name that doesn't match my face. Instead, I shop by catalog and online.
We have some ways to go before "color blindness" is a reality. With all due respect, this is no time to be whimsical. It is a time to take a hard look at what's actually happening in the United States.
Pamela Moskowitz
New York
Regarding your July 1 article "When even Old Glory is made in China": There is a bigger story to be told here.
While helping my daughter in the Army National Guard with her uniforms, I noticed that nearly everything - from boots to T-shirts - was made in China. This is probably why we won't go to war with China any time in the near future.
It also speaks volumes about why it's becoming harder and harder for our young people (and older people) to find jobs.
Su DeBree
Buffalo, Wyo.
Regarding your June 11 article "Cambridge: where Bohemia meets big bucks": The fact that Cambridge, Mass., is both liberal and rich is not an anomaly. I notice that Berkeley, Calif., is also on your list of places with wealthy homes.
Perceptions of liberals and conservatives in this country tend to be the exact opposite of reality. We forget that Mississippi and Alabama, probably the most conservative places in the country, are also among the poorest.
Barbara Vorlop
Soquel, Calif.
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