
And that's how I did it

A local TV news crew was in Bocholt, Germany, earlier this month to tape a story on the $5,750 worth of damage caused by a 3-year-old who found the keys to his father's car, which he started and rammed into another vehicle. To reconstruct what happened four days before, the TV people put the child behind the wheel and gave him the key, then took dad aside for his version of the incident. You can see where this is going, right? Right: We have ignition. We have drive-off. We have ... another collision. No injuries, but this time the bill is $900.

It means too much to me

How important is time off from work to you? If you're British, the answer may be: not very. Results of a new national survey found 18 percent of respondents don't take the vacation they're entitled to - usually four weeks. The reasons ranged from "I can't afford it" to "This makes it harder for my employer to phase out my job." But 10 percent of those replying said they'd miss their work because it is so enjoyable.

In rating of business clout, Bill Gates gets Buffetted

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett beat out Microsoft chairman Bill Gates to top a new list by Fortune magazine of the most powerful people in business. Rankings were based on ability to affect the behavior of others "in a company, an industry, or the world at large," said senior writer Jerry Useem. The top 10 on Fortune's power list, and their respective companies:

1. Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway
2. Bill Gates, Microsoft
3. Lee Scott, Wal-Mart
4. Sanford Weill, Citigroup
5. Rupert Murdoch, News Corp.
6. Lee Raymond, Exxon Mobil
7. Jeff Immelt, General Electric
8. Michael Dell, Dell Computer
9. Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, American International Group (AIG)
10. Bill Gross, Pacific Investment Management Company (PIMCO) - Business Wire

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