President Bush
President Bush's first news conference since the capture of Saddam Hussein was held Monday in the White House and covered a wide range of issues. Here are excerpts from his remarks.
"What needs to happen is [that] he needs to be brought to justice, and the Iraqi citizens need to be very much involved in the development of a system that brings him to justice. And there needs to be a public trial, and all of atrocities need to come out. We will work with the Iraqis to develop a way to try him that will stand international scrutiny."
"I've got my own personal views; this is a brutal dictator. He's a person who killed a lot of people. But my personal views are not important in this matter. It's going to be up to the Iraqis to make those decisions."
"The terrorists in Iraq remain dangerous. [The work of coalition forces] will require sacrifice."
"In North Korea, we're now in the process of using diplomatic means and persuasion to convince [its leader] Kim Jong-Il to get rid of his nuclear weapons program. I'm pleased with the progress we're making, and I hope, of course, he listens."
"We'll see."