Green acres: Who leads the world in growing organic food
In recent years, the US, Canada, and Mexico have overtaken Europe in the demand for organically produced food and drink, a more than $20 billion-a-year industry. But of the roughly 100 nations in which organic farming is practiced, the one with the most land under organic management isn't any of the above. It's Australia, whose roughly 24.7 million organically farmed acres are 2.2 percent of all its agricultural land. How does that compare to the others? Tiny Liechtenstein has the highest percentage of organic acreage (26.4), followed by neighboring Austria (11.6) and Switzerland (10.0). The US is a distant 56th, with 0.23 percent, according to the Organic Trade Association. The top 10 countries, according to the association, which, fittingly, is based in Greenfield, Mass., and the organically farmed acreage in each (in millions):
1. Australia 24.7
2. Argentina 7.3
3. Italy 2.8
4. US 2.3
5. Brazil 2.1
6. Uruguay 1.9
7. Britain 1.8
8. Germany 1.7
9. Spain 1.6
10. France 1.2