Aw, this just burns me up
Have you ever relaxed and let your guard down a little at the end of an ordeal that you knew would be strenuous? Then you probably can identify with the volunteers of the Shimohetsugi Fire Department on the island of Kyushu in southern Japan, who were partying earlier this month to celebrate the successful completion of a special day to promote awareness and prevention. Among other activities, the guys performed a series of traditional acrobatics designed to show off their skills before a crowd of about 2,000 spectators . Then they sat down for some good fellowship and a meal of tasty barbecue ... apparently unaware that one of the gas canisters fueling the cooking stoves had ignited their two-story wooden station. Well, either that or a kerosene heater used to keep the place warm. There were no injuries, but the building had been pretty well gutted by the time the flames were doused. There will be an investigation, a spokesman for the brigade said, adding, "It's very embarrassing that this should happen to people whose job is to go and put out fires."