Hey, it's not me you want
Steve Crossman was minding his own business when an envelope arrived in the mail containing a traffic ticket for being clocked at 85 m.p.h. recently on a highway outside Neath in neighboring south Wales. But he soon realized that it was a mistake . First of all, as the Horningsham, England, farmer told journalists, "I've never been anywhere near Neath." And, second, because the license number on the ticket - which had been recorded by a police camera - is that of his six-year-old tractor . The mailing gave Crossman and his wife, Margaret, a few moments of worry before they decided to appeal to the Mid and South Wales Safety Camera Partnership. It worked. The ticket was canceled, and a partnership official phoned to apologize and explain that the letters on Crossman's plate - FOT - had been misread as FDT. "We had a laugh about it," Crossman said, adding: "It's a good tractor, but not that good. It can just about get up to 26 m.p.h. But that's downhill with a following wind and no trailer on the back." At that speed, he would need almost five hours to drive to the spot where the camera is positioned, let alone exceed the speed limit once there. And that's assuming he had some reason to be on a busy highway with a piece of farm machinery in the first place.