Are borrowers or lenders responsible for bankruptcy?
Regarding the July 3 article, "The moral burden of bankruptcy": In order to get lower credit card interest rates people need to show that they're thoughtful in how to utilize credit by paying back debt as they promised. There is no free money. It comes with a charge from the lender, which after all gave people the money when they requested it.
It's really about a person's integrity as an adult as to whether or not he or she will pay back debt. By making payments above the minimum required, the person will establish credibility as a borrower and earn the reward of lower interest rates over time.
People should realize that since the real wages of most workers have not gone up since the late 1960s, they have been working more hours and yet borrowing more to get all those nicer things in life. All the while, inflation and people's unrealistic expectations of being able to live above their means have been the real enemy. And here is where the banks step in to offer consumer credit.
Outside of a big medical expense, I have no respect for people who keep borrowing to live large and then squawk about being taken advantage of by the banks when it is they who are taking advantage of us all by helping to keep rates high so that banks can recover losses from those of us who do pay our debts.
Brian Stewart
Los Angeles
Most of the July 3 article on bankruptcy was written about the moral responsibility of the borrower. I think the greater injustice and lack of moral and ethical behavior these days is borne by the lenders. You can see this usurious behavior in about every institution, from your local bank, to the credit industry, and all businesses in between.
The credit card companies charge late fees and over-limit fees, and all of these so-called fees have only one purpose, which is to be able to charge people usurious fees on loaned money so as to increase profit.
I would like to see an article written about financial institutions and their targeting of the poor and working people in the United States and the world.
Bruce Mitchell
Akra, Iowa
Regarding the June 30 article, "In a 'green and pleasant' land, English nationalism stirs": The English in England are not the only ones who have been embarrassed by their nationality and have deliberately suppressed its expression. For several decades, Americans of English lineage, once a deliberate ruling class, have been retreating from public life and helping minorities and immigrants to fill the vacated positions of leadership. The Stars and Stripes belong now to the melting pot. Empowerment of the melting pot has made our nation stronger. We English Americans can be proud of having given this strength to our future, quietly and voluntarily.
The English back in England, in spite of the stirring of nationalism described in the article, are obviously doing the same thing and will one day be proud of their new gift to the future.
Stayton Nunn
Ormond Beach, Fla.
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