
As long as illegal immigrants can get jobs, they will keep coming

Regarding the July 11 article, "States target employers of illegals": I appreciate the perspective on immigration reported from representatives of the National Immigration Law Center, as well as attorney David Klehm. This immigration problem is largely one of illegal hiring by employers willing to break the law to cut costs. The constant labeling of the problem as "illegal immigration" unfortunately draws our attention to the borders, diverting it from the lure that is bringing impoverished people to acts of desperation in trying to enter the US. Why not shine some light on the issue by calling it what it is, an illegal hiring problem?
Jerry McIntire
Portland, Ore.

Are tigers appropriate pets?

Regarding the July 7 article, "In the Tiger Temple," about the Thai Buddhist monk who is a "tiger whisperer": Was it Siegfried or Roy who had the rather sudden but tragic epiphany that tigers should not be confused with the Exxon logo or the smiling caricature on the box of cereal? I suspect that there are some adults who still have childhood cartoon reruns about tigers or other predatory animals in their heads – until a tragedy presents itself, as with the 2003 incident when Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguenard were attacked and killed by a bear in Alaska.
Edmond J. ONeill
Hatfield, Pa.

I would like to thank you for the wonderful July 7 article, "In the Tiger Temple." What a refreshing change to see these wonderful creatures portrayed as monks' children instead of the usual media hype describing them as kid-eaters that need to be banned from private ownership in the US.

I own big cats as pets, including lions and tigers, and I also help with training my friends' big cats for a magic show. Just like the monks in Thailand, we love these majestic creatures and see them as our children, and they, too, enjoy our company. The best form of relaxation for me is to go to a tiger cage and brush the cats' hair, give them their favorite treat – a milk bottle – or take one out for a walk on a leash (inside a fenced area). Please keep up the good work and publish more articles on the wonderful bonding relationship captive tigers and humans often form.
Zuzana Kukol
Las Vegas

US needs more than one language

Regarding John Hughes's July 5 Opinion piece, "A lesson on learning English as America debates new laws": As a native American I am tired of being homogenized. We in the US don't need an official language. If those who want an official language had had their way prior to World War II, the Navajo code talkers and other native code talkers may never have existed, and in the war, the US might have had to go all the way to the invasion of Japan, costing many thousands of American lives.
Freddie Howard

Cows are both art and good fundraisers

Regarding the July 12 article, "More city dwellers have herd of art": I loved the story about the art cows. Sometimes there are some nasty news articles about this kind of public phenomenon. But the kind of money that gets raised this way is amazing. I happen to make fiberglass statues that get used as canvases for a lot of communities here in America. I thoroughly enjoy helping a community decide what kind of critter will work for its fair city or town. And the artwork is something to behold, as readers have seen.
Patrick Keough
Shelton, Neb.

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