Because evidence from last week's foiled terrorist plot has not yet been "fully analyzed" and some plotters may still be "out there," continued vigilance is needed, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said on Sunday talk shows. He expects, therefore, that the US will maintain its highest alert level for flights headed between Britain and the US and its secondhighest level for all other flights. He added, however, that he thinks a ban on carry-on bags could be avoided with beefed-up airport screening measures.

A mostly Muslim crowd of thousands of people rallied across from the White House Saturday to condemn US and Israeli policies in the Middle East. Police unofficially estimated the crowd at less than 10,000, many of whom waved Lebanese flags or painted them on their faces. The protest occurred on the day the Lebanese government and Hizbullah signed a UN cease-fire resolution that Israel approved Sunday. President Bush said he welcomed the news before flying back to the White House Sunday after a Texas vacation.

A Newsweek poll released Saturday indicates American approval of Bush's handling of homeland security rose 11 percent to 55 percent since May. His overall approval rating increased three points to 38 percent.

BP, the energy giant, revised earlier reports that it would totally shut down the nation's largest oil field. Instead, the company announced late last week it will keep part of its Prudhoe Bay operation in Alaska up and running. With enhanced surveillance and response capability, an executive said, BP should be able to use part of a leaky 16-mile pipeline scheduled for a major overhaul.

Prosecutors in the Enron corporate corruption case have asked a US district judge in Houston to require that former CEO Jeffrey Skilling surrender $183 million for helping to perpetuate one of the biggest business frauds in US history. The amount sought would include $43.5 million from codefendant and Enron founder Kenneth Lay, who died July 5, since prosecutors claim Skilling must be liable for all co-conspirators. The court has yet to rule.

US immigration officials said Saturday that nine of 11 Egyptian students who failed to show up for an academic program at Montana State University July 29 were in custody. Although not deemed terrorist threats, the students were arrested in Iowa and several other states for violations of temporary visas and face deportation.

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