A quiz for fall
Some people call it fall. Others call it autumn. In some places, the seasons change a lot. In others, there is practically no change.
Try this little quiz and see how much you know.
1. This is a phrase that helps people remember what to do with their clocks when it is daylight saving time. (4 words)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, f_ _ _ _ _ _ _
2. When you f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, your heart goes pitter-patter for someone, you might draw hearts with both your names in them, and you might even think about getting married. (3 words)
3. This natural wonder is at the border of the United States and Canada. It is divided into two parts – the American Falls and the Horseshoe (or Canadian) Falls. (2 words)
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4. When you have too much of this, there are floods. When there isn't enough, there are droughts.
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5. This is a well-known traditional nursery rhyme and game in which two players make an arch with their arms while other players pass underneath in a single file. The arch is then lowered at a certain point to catch a player. That's when the song goes, "Take the key and lock her up, my fair lady." (5 words)
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6. This is when it is no longer daytime, the sun has set, and evening has come.
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1. Spring forward, fall back
2. Fall in love
3. Niagara Falls
4. Rainfall
5. London Bridge is falling down
6. Nightfall