Laura Cluthé


Laura Cluthé is a photojournalism intern from Toronto, Canada. For six years Laura Cluthé has been capturing the essence of people through her photography, venturing to places like St. Lucia and Grenada and San Francisco to photograph and write about everyday people. As a photographer Cluthé strives to, give people a voice, where they might not have one.” Her photo series, “Unnoticed” is a collection of seven photos from San Francisco, one including a homeless man who Cluthé described as “one of the kindest people I’ve met.”

Last summer her photography took her to Buena Vista, Colorado where she worked as a self-described “outdoor adventure photographer”, for Adventure Unlimited, an outdoor Christian Science summer camp. Daily Cluthé would stand by camp-goes as she took thousands of photos of kids white-water rafting, rock climbing and mountain biking.

But her work doesn’t stop there, at Principia College where she studies art and mass communications, Cluthé works for the Media Services as a photographer covering sports, and events like homecoming weekend and the Principia College public affairs conference.

As for this summer Cluthé seems to have found a home at the Monitor, as a photojournalism intern working under the wing of Alfredo Sosa, director of photography at the Monitor, where she’ll accompany reporters photographing the stories they cover. Through working at the Monitor she hopes that she’ll grow to be a better illustrator of stories and understand the power of photos.

Stories by Laura Cluthé