Don't forget Free Comic Book Day
Looking for a free Archie, Iron Man, or Superman comic book? On Free Comic Book Day you will have your choice. Or you can pick among many others created especially for this annual event.
Free Comic Book Day was originally intended to help lure folks who don’t normally read comics into their local comic shop. But in recent years it has become a huge event for comic book aficionados and collectors, as well as a nice excuse for a family outing. Books for all age groups are available, and many stores play it big with appearances by comic creators and costumed characters running about.
I plan to celebrate Free Comic Book Day at JP Comics & Games, my local comic purveyor. You can find more information and a locale convenient to you at
(And to Chapter & Verse readers and comic strip lovers alike: Please be sure to check out the Monitor's review of the newly released "The Complete Peanuts 1975 to 1976" – it's a collection not to be missed).
Marjorie Kehe is the Monitor's book editor.
Where will you be celebrating Free Comic Book Day? Join the Monitor's book discussion on Facebook and Twitter.