What is YOUR favorite Dr. Seuss book?
Theodor Seuss Geisel – aka, Dr. Seuss – was both one of America's most beloved children's book authors and one of its most prolific. With 44 children's books to his name – and at least a couple dozen of them considered classic greats – it's hard to declare a favorite.
We asked Monitor readers yesterday, via Facebook, to name a favorite Dr. Seuss book. Several dozen responses poured in. Interestingly, however, their choices were spread over at least 14 different titles. The front runners include: "Horton Hears a Who," "The Lorax," and "Green Eggs and Ham."
But "One Fish, Two Fish," "Oh, the Places You'll Go," and "Yertle the Turtle" received multiple votes as well.
How seven “lost stories” by Dr. Seuss surfaced on eBay
(Another popular choice was "Go, Dog. Go!" However, as a sharp-eyed reader pointed out, this is not a Dr. Seuss book at all, but rather a favorite by P.D. Eastman.)
Please help us break the tie. Can you name your favorite Dr. Seuss book?
Marjorie Kehe is the Monitor's book editor