A "Netflix for children's books"?

Sproutkin, a new web startup, is launching a children's book subscription service based on the Netflix model.

For $25 a month, Sproutkin subscribers receive a box of board books and a toy to keep, based on the age of the infant or toddler.

Does your child like a brand new bedtime story – every single night?

Parents whose children develop the being-read-to habit sometimes find that it's hard to keep up with a youthful appetite for new stories. Trips to the bookstore are expensive and visits to the library can be time-consuming. So what's the answer?

To parents Raelyn Bleharski, Alda Dennis, and Mark Jen it seemed obvious: launch Sproutkin, a Netflix-like monthly book service subscription for children aged 0-6.  

The Sproutkin website says, "Sproutkin is a monthly subscription service and what you receive depends on the child’s age. Infants and toddlers receive a monthly box of board books and a toy to keep. Each monthly shipment is based on the specific age of the infant/toddler and the milestones that should be accomplished during that month. Preschoolers receive unlimited boxes of picture books per month; a new shipment is sent upon the returning your current set."

According to Techcruch.com Sproutkin's founders received an undisclosed amount of seed money from investors under $1 million.

Sproutkin works with an educational advisory board made up of one current preschool teacher and two education veterans. Together, the three of them use their combined 89 years' worth of teaching and education experience to assemble "Sproutkits."

Again from the website, "Each Sproutkit includes up to 10 books and a curriculum card (with discussion questions and activity suggestions), all based around a particular theme. Each Sproutkit is thoughtfully developed by our educational advisors to help guide parents through an informal curriculum based on the books."

Themes and milestones include topics like eating solid food, learning about other cultures, or learning to play peek-a-boo. 

It costs $25 a month, and subscribers who decide they want to keep a book can do so at a cost of 10% less than the book's retail price.

Like Netflix, there's no time limit on how long books can be kept. Book selections include both contemporary works and timeless classics. 

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