Texas senator Ted Cruz is the star of a bestselling coloring book
Young artists may currently be coloring the face of Texas senator Ted Cruz.
The publisher Really Big Coloring Books Inc. released a coloring book titled “U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz to the Future” earlier this month and it’s become a bestseller. Really Big Coloring Books, which is based in St. Louis, published 10,000 copies initially and those sold out within 24 hours, according to the Associated Press. The second printing of the coloring book vanished almost as quickly and the book – which has no official ties to Cruz – is now on its third printing.
“At this point, I would almost call it a phenomenon," company founder Wayne Bell told the AP. "It's beyond us. We're just trying to catch up with the printing.”
The book depicts Cruz, who took office almost a year ago, spending time with his family, hunting, and delivering his 21-hour speech to the Senate against the new health care law.
The front of “Cruz” features the senator standing next to a tea plant. The leaves of the plant are labeled “Lower taxes,” “Diversity,” “Opportunities,” “Gun rights,” among other words. The stalks of the plant read “U.S. Constitution” and “Ten Commandments.”
The inside includes activities such as trivia based on Cruz’s life and sections on the Ten Commandments.