Summer solstice, which falls this year on June 20, 2012, is the longest day of the calendar year – and often one of the hottest. But it's wise to start adjusting your home's temperature gradually, well before the hottest months of the year are in full swing. Raising your thermostat by just three degrees can save you as much as 20 percent on your energy bill. To make the transition easy, raise the temperature by just one degree every week over the course of three weeks. Your family might not even notice the difference.
Reducing home energy costs does not need to involve costly home improvements or major lifestyle changes. In fact, a few simple adjustments may be all it takes to save hundreds of dollars this summer. And if you need a little extra incentive, just think of all the ways you could spend or invest the money you save.
What other ways can you think of to save on energy costs this summer?