Minimum net worth: $85.81 million
Virginia's junior senator increased his wealth by nearly $10 million from the year before, reporting a minimum net worth of at least $85.81 million in 2011.
His most valuable assets include stakes in the Alexandria, Va.-based Columbia Capital, Columbia Capital Investors and Columbia Capital Investment Partners. He also has stock in the Russian search engine Yandex worth at least $6.75 million.
Warner made his fortune as a telecommunications mogul and co-founded Nextel Communications before coming to Congress.
His only liability is a loan from the Virginia Commerce Bank of at least $15,000.

Carolyn Kaster/AP/File
President Obama and Sen. Mark Warner (D) of Virginia wave from the stage together at a campaign event at G. Richard Pfitzner Stadium in Woodbridge, Va., last month. Some of Warner's most valuable assets include stakes in an investment company and stock in a Russian search engine.