Nestlé recalls CPK, DiGiorno frozen pizzas nationwide

Nestlé has issued a recall of four brands of DiGiorno and California Pizza Kitchen frozen pizzas sold in the US. The recalled pizzas may contain fragments of plastic that came from spinach used in manufacturing. 

Courtesy of the USDA
A DiGiorno pizzeria! brand Bianca/White pizza, one of four frozen pizza types being recalled by Nestlé USA. The pizzas may contain bits of plastic.

Nestlé USA has issued a recall of four types of its frozen pizza sold under the popular DiGiorno and California Pizza Kitchen brands that may contain fragments of plastic due to a manufacturing issue. The pizza was distributed and sold in grocery stores nationwide. The Wisconsin-based company was alerted to the matter because of customer complaints, including one customer who chipped a tooth on the plastic, according to the USDA

Affected frozen pizza types include California Pizza Kitchen Crispy Thin Crust White Pizza, California Pizza Kitchen Limited Edition Grilled Chicken With Cabernet Sauce, DiGiorno Crispy Flatbread Pizza Tuscan Style Chicken, and DiGiorno pizzeria! Bianca/White Pizza.

“The reason for the recall is that the pizza may contain fragments of clear plastic," a statement from Nestlé USA reads. “A small number of consumers reported that they had found small fragments of plastic on the CPK Crispy Thin Crust White pizza. Our investigation indicates this is directly related to a particular lot of spinach we received from one of our suppliers. Although no complaints have been received to date on the other three varieties that used this spinach, we are recalling these additional varieties in an abundance of caution.”

The frozen pizzas in question were manufactured between February and March of this year. Nestlé has contacted retailers, who are in the process of removing them from store shelves.

To determine whether or not a pizza has been recalled, customers should look for a blue or pink rectangular box on a side panel of the pizza box, which contains a 10-digit production code, The recalled pizzas and affected production code are below:

  • California Pizza Kitchen Crispy Thin Crust White: 3062525951, 3062525952, and 3063525951
  • California Pizza Kitchen Limited Edition Grilled Chicken with Cabernet Sauce: 3059525952
  • DiGiorno Crispy Flatbread Pizza Tuscan Style Chicken: 3057525922 and 3058525921
  • DiGiorno pizzeria! Bianca/White Pizza: 3068525951

Those who have purchased the recalled pizza should not eat it, and call Nestlé USA Consumer Services at 800-456-4394 or email for further instructions. Customers should expect to receive a replacement coupon, according to the company.

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