Will global warming wipe out our food supply?
Thanks to forward looking "doom and gloomers" such as the Asteroid Miner (see below) we have been warned about future threats to our food supply.
I quote this source:
- Asteroid Miner
- Illinois
Make it very short: If GW (Global Warming) is not stopped, there will be no food some time in the 2050s. Food production is already being impacted by GW.
- Dec. 25, 2011 at 9:08 a.m
In a world with 7 billion people, if some folks agree with AM (Asteroid Miner)'s forecast then they will have strong incentives over the next 38 years to seek out new ways to grow food. Such individuals would recognize that there is a chance that AM is wrong but that global warming raises the probability that he is right.
The funny thing is that the anticipation that he could be right raises the probability that his prediction will be wrong! If 1% of 1% of the world's 7 billion people get to work on this food scarcity problem, then we will have 700,000 people working on the problem. Could they all fail as venture capitalists and others with funding fund this group to come up with new ways to grow food in our hotter future? We don't need each of these 700,000 to succeed. A future farming Steve Jobs will emerge from this set and he will become quite rich and we will continue to eat and Asteroid Miner's kids will thank him for playing the role of Paul Revere.