Labor Day sales 2014: Which stores are open?

Labor Day marks the end of summer but also the start of a new round of sales on clothing, electronics, and more. Read on for details to help you best manage your Labor Day shopping. 

Gene J. Puskar/AP/File
Jody Dickman, of Pittsburgh, shops at a Gap store in Pittsburgh. Most major retail establishments are open for business on Labor Day, but banks and government offices are not.

Labor Day marks not only the unofficial end to those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, but also the start of a new crop of fall (and winter) savings and deals. As you’re out and about between barbecues this holiday, here are some particulars to keep in mind:

• Banks and stock exchanges will be closed

• Schools and colleges, libraries, government offices, courts and the post office will be closed

• Public transportation schedules usually operate on weekend or holiday schedules

• Trash/recycling pickup won’t be running

Don’t forget public parking is free for the holiday: the perfect excuse to take advantage of some of the best shopping deals of the day. Individual retailers may be operating on special schedules, so make sure you call ahead or use online store locators to double-check opening and closing hours before you head out. These major retailers will be sure to offer Labor Day deals and discounts:

Clothing & accessories

Health & beauty


Home, office & garden

Deals aren’t limited to brick-and-mortar stores. Bargain hunters can find some great deals online at any of these retailers’ websites and by searching for coupon code offers and free shipping at online-only retailers. Whatever you do, make sure you don’t pay full price!

If you’re in the market for one more trip this year, check out the best of 2014 getaway sales and discounts with our roundup of Labor Day Travel Deals.

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