How to get through a tough financial emergency
We're all forced to deal with financial and other emergencies from time to time. It's not fun to think about, and we usually put off planning for it until it's too late. My husband and I recently experienced a family medical emergency and encountered a tough situation. We're both self-employed so this made everything even more financially stressful.
We quickly learned that we were not prepared to weather a financial emergency, but we have since begun taking steps to prepare. Here's how to get through a tough financial time without losing everything, and keeping your sanity and confidence intact.
1. Keep Things in Perspective
When you're going through a tough financial time it's important to stay positive and know that things will get better. Give yourself time to be frustrated, cry, scream, and then remain hopeful that the situation can only improve.
Hope is the motivating force that will keep you in the right mindset, so you can successfully handle this situation. Focus on the positives and view each day as a new chance to make everything better.
2. Surround Yourself With Positive Support
One of the best ways to keep a positive approach to life when you're having a tough time is to surround yourself with a supportive community. When you're struggling, you can reach out to your supporters for guidance and advice. They can also help you keep the situation in perspective, so it doesn't get blown out of proportion.
Make sure your positive group of supporters are people you can trust and who have your back no matter what. Community organizations, religious groups or churches, and other social support mechanisms can also lend a financial hand during difficulties. Map out the community resources you can rely on to help you during lean times.
3. Create an Emergency Backup Plan
The best way to conquer an emergency situation is to have a backup emergency plan in place. In case you don't have one already, now's the perfect time to create it.
What's your process for an emergency situation? Will you rely on savings, take out a loan, or get a second job? Do you understand the exact resources at your disposal? By understanding the options available, you can more readily navigate a financial emergency.
4. Make Saving Money a Priority
It's no surprise that the more money you save the less stressful a financial emergency will be. Aim to make saving money your number one priority until you feel you have enough saved up that you can successfully weather an emergency.
And don't worry, saving money doesn't have to be difficult. There are some new microsavings tools that make putting away money for goals and emergencies, super simple. In fact, you may not even realize the money is missing. Get started with just $10 or $20 a week and then increase your savings as often as you can. Your bank account will be able to pay you back when you need it most.
5. Don't Stress Over What You Can't Control
If you can change it, take action. If you can't change it, stop stressing about it and let it go. This rule is a good one to live by when you're dealing with a tough financial time. Don't put yourself through the hell of endless worrying if you can't change the outcome.
Deal with the results as best as you can, prepare for the worst case scenario, and then let it go. You can't control the job market, the economy, or when it will rain, so stop trying. You'll be much more successful (and at peace) if you learn to deal with what you can and stop stressing out over what you can't control.
If you're facing a tough financial emergency, use these tips to build confidence and get back on track with your goals. Vow to make a plan for the future and remember to keep a positive outlook. With a positive attitude, the right kind of support, and a solid plan, you can get through any kind of tough financial spot.