Does good healthcare increases demand for metrosexual men?

Women in countries with good healthcare systems report a preference for feminine men over manly men.

Women in countries with good healthcare systems report a preference for feminine men over manly men.

The folks over at Face Research Laboratory in Aberdeen, Scotland tested women’s preferences for manly men vs. more feminine types and found that women living in countries with better healthcare preferred what they believed to be metrosexual types. Women residing in countries that lacked good healthcare went for the masculine men.

For those that follow evolutionary psychology, this makes perfect sense. The theory of sexual selection dictates that “women are the choosier sex because they take on most of the risk and burden of reproduction and child rearing. While a man can sleep around with 100 women in a year’s time and have 100 kids, a woman who sleeps with 100 men in a year will only have one baby (barring multiples). She has more at stake in each pregnancy. Therefore, it is in her best interest to at least choose a high-quality mate. And one of the hallmarks of a quality male is good health.”

American women rank fifth in preference for masculine types, while their nation’s healthcare ranks 20th. But a peek at American cultural leads one to think that the fifth place ranking is too high.

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